• Concorrenza - Aspetti generali

24 maggio 2023

Interim Measures in Competition Law Cases: status, recent developments and areas for improvement

Both at European level and at national level the use of interim measures in competition law cases is a very topical subject

Particularly in quickly evolving markets infringement procedures often take too long to avoid lasting harm to the competitive process before the adoption of an infringement decision. 

The European Commission recently after nearly two decades imposed interim measures again in the Broadcom case and the interim measures procedure is also debated in the framework of the ongoing Reform of Regulation 1/2003.

After a first successful webinar on the use of interim measures  in competition law cases with representatives from the European Commission, the CMA and the former President of the Belgian competition authority, LIDC (International League of Competition Law) is pleased that Pascale Deschamps of the French competition authority and Alessandro Sia of the Swiss competition authority accepted to speak on the use of interim measures by the French and Swiss competition authorities

Pascale Deschamps will take the opportunity to also enlighten the audience on the decision of the French authority adopted on 4 May 2023 imposing interim measures on Meta.

The webinar will be moderated by Carmen Verdonck, partner ALTIUS.